Monday, January 14, 2013

Skin Ailments : An Overview

Skin diseases are peculiar by their nature and may cause a great amount of grief, anguish  and even economic loss. There are numerous misconceptions about skin ailments and the social stigma associated with it often proves more damaging to the individual than the disease itself.  There is a popular but incorrect maxim that skin patients are never cured and never die. The notion that all such ailments are contagious too, is totally untrue. The success rate of homeopathy in dermatology places it as an excellent therapeutic option, that offers a simple but sure line of treatment . In this post I don't intend to discuss the preventive / treatment aspects of homeopathy, but merely give out a synopsis of the various skin conditions possible.

A high degree of relative exposure makes the skin one of the most vulnerable organs of the body. Skin diseases, though not life-threatening, can be chronically troublesome. They may affect any of the three layers of the skin i.e. epidermis, dermis and hypodermis along with the sebaceous and sweat glands. The peculiarity of skin complaints is that its conspicuous nature can easily lead to psychological stress.

Various surveys suggest that approximately 50% of observed skin disorders are caused by infection, 15% by climate, 10 % by allergies and 25% by miscellaneous causes like Alopecia, Vitiligo etc. Here is an overview of the range of possible skin ailments:-

Acne.  It is a skin condition that causes pimples, white/black heads and red inflamed patches of skin that usually appears on the face and shoulders, but may also occur on the trunk, limbs and buttocks.
Dermatitis.     It is a non-contagious itchy inflammation of the skin with redness and         oozing. There are various types of dermatitis, the common ones of which are Atopic, Seboerrehic, Contact/Allergic Dermititis. It is a chronic condition and symptoms may persist for a longer time.
Infections.      Skin infections could be caused by a variety of reasons to include Bacterial (impetigo, ecthyma, erysipelas and cellulitis), Fungal (dermophytosis, candidiasis and tinea versicolor) or Viral (Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, Molluscum contagiosum and warts).
Psoriasis.       It is a chronic non-infectious immune mediated condition. It causes redness and irritation with thick silvery scales. The commonly affected areas are scalp, back of elbows, front of knees, legs and lower back.
Rosacea.        It is very common chronic benign acne like skin condition, which is non-infectious and characteristically seen on face, forehead, chin and lower half of nose without much itching or irritation.
Hives or Urticaria.     They are pale red raised itchy bumps that can appear anywhere on the body and are caused by allergic reaction or for unknown reasons (idiopathic). They cause itching and sometimes even burning and stinging.
Sebacious Cysts.      They are painless epidermal cysts, which appear as small bumps just under the skin that contain ‘cheesy’ and ‘pasty’ keratin with a foul odour. They are caused as a result of skin trauma or swollen hair follicles.
Seboerrhic Keratosis.          It is a painless non-cancerous skin growth on the face, chest shoulders or back, that may be brown, black or pale in colour.
Skin Cancer.  This is caused by direct exposure to UV rays and is of three main types, i.e. basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.        
Dry Skin (leading to ichthyosis).    It shows up as rough red itchy patches on the limbs and abdomen, triggered by environmental factors like extreme heat or cold.
Corns and Calluses. They are areas of thickened skin on the feet that develop to protect that area from irritation due to constant rubbing against a surface. They are not contagious but may become painful if they get too thick.
Moles. They are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. They can change slowly, become raised or change in colour or may gradually disappear over time.
Lichen Plamus.         It is a disease in which there is an itchy patch on the skin or in the mouth which leads to rough scaly plaques on the skin. The cause is unknown and likely to be related to allergic or immune reactions.
Erythrema Nodosum.           It is a type of skin inflammation located in the fatty layer of the skin and results in reddish painful tender lumps, especially in the shin area. It is a hypersensitive, immunological response to a variety of different causes.


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